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Student Testimonials

You've heard what we have to say, now listen to what our students are saying about Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion at Drake. 

DeShauna Carter

“在过去的四年里,我在威尼斯人网上娱乐的多元化经历确实发生了变化. 和我大一的时候相比,多样性比以前好多了. 这不仅涉及到有色人种的学生,也涉及到不同性别的学生, religions, physical and mental abilities, all that type of stuff. When I came here my freshman year, 我记得我环顾四周,发现都是同一类型的人, mostly just white students, 现在我看到了更多不同类型的边缘化身份, so Drake is definitely improving in that way. 我仍然认为,要确保具有边缘身份的人在校园里感到安全和舒适,还有很长的路要走, and of course, we know that from the incident that happened last semester. 但威尼斯人网上娱乐在事件发生后做得很好,他支持有色人种学生,确保他们感到安全. 我只是觉得同样的能量需要应用到所有的多样性和包容性倡议中, and it shouldn’t just be a proactive thing.”

—Deshauna Carter, Class of 2019

Jaymee Dixon

“我现在最大的困难是在校园里创建一个新组织. I’m in the midst of trying to bring a chapter of the NAACP to Drake. 几乎每种文化都有自己的生存空间,但我们却没有共同生存的空间. 校园里存在分歧,因为我们没有足够的空间让所有少数族裔学生聚集在一起. The NAACP will help bridge that gap. 在社会和校园里,非洲和黑人学生之间也存在分歧. 我们总是听到这样的话:“你不够非洲”,“你不应该戴头巾或戴非洲项链,因为你不是出生在非洲。.“这真的很难开始,因为被认为是一个NAACP组织, you need at least 25 members, and just to be an organization at Drake you need at least 5 people. 很难找到认真的人,我想把所有人都包括进来,比如LGBTQ, white allies, and people of other races and cultures, it doesn’t matter, 我只是想创造一个地方,让每个人都能走到一起,努力对抗种族主义.” -Jaymee Dixon, sophomore.

—Jaymee Dixon, Class of 2021

Runal Patel

“你知道那些团队建设练习,你在黑板上或墙上放一个时间表,你被要求用便利贴写下你生活中最重要的三件事? I’ve done a few of those, 我总是让人们着迷,因为我的一件事发生在我出生前. People are surprised by that. I always put down 1991, 因为那是我父母移民到美国的时候,我总是在想,如果他们没有这样做,我的生活将会完全不同. 另一种选择是去英国,否则,我们可能还在印度. 我的整个人生都是基于我父母移民美国的选择,所以我无法想象在另一个国家生活. 想想我的传统让我在这个国家立足, and for my parents to want to give me a better life, and the difficulties they had to endure to get me here, 我认为这对理解我的故事至关重要, because my story is my parents’ story; my story started before I was born. 我是父母选择移民美国的产物, and I’m hoping to make them proud.”

—Runal A. Patel, Class of 2021

Sarah Rosales

“我非常喜欢DU口语的一件事是,在这里我们可以聚在一起,分享一些有时可能是情感上脆弱的材料,有些人会觉得不舒服. 我们可以在我们创造的安全空间中分享这种脆弱性,这样人们就可以在接受建议和听到对他们工作的赞扬时感到舒适. 杜口语是接受所有人,不分种族,性取向或其他任何东西. 自从上学期集会以来,人们就来找我说:“哦,天哪,你表演的时候我哭了”之类的话, because it shows how words can actually impact people. 今年四月,我们四个POC和酷儿想参加一个大满贯诗歌比赛. 这是我们这学期一直在做的一个大项目因为它在休斯顿大学, so we’re trying to figure out how to get there.”

—Sarah Rosales, Class of 2021

Nor Suraya Hasan

“Drake has a lot of students from different backgrounds. 虽然我们有不同的背景,但这并不意味着我们是不同的. It just means we are unique in certain ways. Everyone has to take a step toward inclusivity. Start a conversation with the people around you. If you start a conversation with someone, it means you want to know about their history, and you can share your stories too. In this way you can learn about their culture and who they are. 你有机会了解他们的文化,所以为什么不利用它呢? People shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. If you don’t know someone, get to know them. 不要因为他们的种族或宗教信仰就把他们一概而论. Ask their name, and don’t think of them like a stereotype.”

—Nor Suraya Hasan, Class of 2019

Timothy Grant

“Diversity takes on different forms. There’s no one monolithic group of people-not even here at Drake. Just looking at all the white people in my class, they’re all very different, and when you look at their political beliefs, their religious beliefs, how they learn, and their personalities, I think that’s the diversity I try to look towards, 尤其是当我知道不会有一群像我这样的人在校园里走来走去的时候. 在一个没有很多像你这样的人的空间里,很难弄清楚并试图导航, 但我确实试着回顾历史,看看从这里毕业的不同的人,他们跟随我的脚步,和我在同一个组织和兄弟会. 我正从他们身上汲取决心和能量,走出去做我想做的事,而不用担心成为一名黑人新闻系学生或黑人政治专业学生.”

—Timothy Gant, Class of 2022


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